Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Top 15 MBA programs in Russia

Top 15 MBA programs in Russia

Studying Business in Russia: Unlocking Potential with an MBA or BBA Russia, a land of vast resources and rich history, is rapidly becoming a global hub for business education. Top 15 MBA programs in Russia With its renowned universities offering prestigious MBA and BBA programs, studying in Russia presents a unique opportunity for aspiring business […]

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Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Description: The Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO (SKOLKOVO) is a leading private business school in Russia and the CIS. It was founded in 2006 by members of the Russian business community. The school’s founding partners are 8 Russian and multinational firms and 11 individuals, each a leader of Russian business. SKOLKOVO’s mission is to develop […]

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