
  • Kunar University (KU)

Kunar University (KU)

Description Kunar University (KU) is a public university located in Asadabad, Kunar Province, Afghanistan. Founded in 2010, KU is a… Read More

10 months ago
  • Kapisa University (KU)

Kapisa University (KU)

Description Kapisa University (KU) is a public university in Mahmood Raqi, Kapisa Province, Afghanistan. Founded in 2006, KU is a… Read More

10 months ago
  • Jawzjan University (JU)

Jawzjan University (JU)

Description Jawzjan University (JU) is a public university located in Sheberghan, Jawzjan Province, Afghanistan. Founded in 2002, Jawzjan University is… Read More

10 months ago
  • Helmand University (HU)

Helmand University (HU)

Description Helmand University (HU) is a public university in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. It was founded in 2006 and is the… Read More

10 months ago
  • Ghor University (GU)

Ghor University (GU)

Description Ghor University (GU) is a public university in Ghor Province, Afghanistan. It was founded in 2004 and is the… Read More

10 months ago
  • Faryab University (FU)

Faryab University (FU)

Description Faryab University (FU) is a non-profit public higher education institution in the suburban setting of the small city of… Read More

10 months ago
  • Farah University (FU)

Farah University (FU)

Description Farah University (FU) is a public university in Farah, Afghanistan. It was founded in 2002 and is the only… Read More

10 months ago
  • Daykundi University (DU)

Daykundi University (DU)

Description Daykundi University (DU) is a public university in Nili, Afghanistan. It was founded in 2007 and is the only… Read More

10 months ago
  • Bamyan University (BU)

Bamyan University (BU)

Description Bamyan University (BU) is a public university in Bamyan, central Afghanistan. It was founded in 1994 and has since… Read More

10 months ago
  • Badakhshan University (BU)

Badakhshan University (BU)

Description Badakhshan University (BU) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the large town of Faizabad (population range… Read More

10 months ago